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affiliate disclosure

Affiliate Disclosure

As a participant in the eBay Partner Network, this site may earn from qualifying purchases.

We may also earn commissions on purchases from other retail websites.

You may have noticed that is quite a clean website – there are no banner adverts and no annoying pop-ups. We do this to keep the user experience the best it can possibly be. Nobody likes to read an article, only for a pop-up to interrupt them as soon as they scroll down the page.

So how do we manage to sustain ourselves?

Our main source of revenue is affiliate advertising. We are part of multiple affiliate advertising programs, which allow us to earn advertising fees by linking to certain websites – such as EBAY (not limited to only EBAY).

The links you click to check the price of a guitar or any other product will send you to a reputable seller, allowing you to compare and choose the best deal for you. If you purchase a product through one of the links, we are rewarded with a small commission – at no extra cost to you (you can call it a referral fee).

By clicking these links and purchasing a guitar, lesson or other items, you help us continue to provide you with reviews, tips, and buyer’s guides.

We only recommend the products we believe in and we never receive compensation for endorsing specific gear (as in, we do not accept sponsored posts of any kind).

A piece of gear that we really like and recommend may not be suitable at all for your skill level and brand aspirations. So always be sure to do your own due diligence before you make any purchase. is a participant in the eBay Partner Network, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, and any other websites that may or may not be affiliated with eBay Partner Network.


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